Skin Resurfacing & Peel Treatments


Facials Peel Treatments Penrith

Safe and Effective

Facial peel treatments in our Penrith Day Spa are designed to minimise the appearance of surface lines, smooth out rough skin texture, aid in clearing acne, and help fade hyperpigmentation.
Safe and effective, this lunch time treatment minimizes client down-time and is specifically developed for use in conjunction with your ‘at home’ treatment regime.

Smoother and younger skin

Replenish and smooth your skin.

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A chemical exfoliant is applied to the treatment area, causing the upper layer or layers of the epidermis to breakdown. As part of the skin’s normal healing process, new skin cells regenerate to replace the cells removed in the peeling process. Deeper peels will also induce collagen production, which will lead to tighter skin tone.

For optimal results, a course of 6 sessions or in conjunction with other procedures or treatments is preferred. Includes calming anti-stress mask

45 minutes


mesopeel melanostop – pigmentation


mesopeel azelan – acne


mesopeel modified Jessner – anti-ageing
